January 9, 2010

Texas, 2pm, Bottle

Driving down the highway towards Texas the Texas border, James threw the bottle of beer he was drinking from behind him. There was no regard towards anyone driving around him. He was too tired to care and did not want to be caught for kidnapping. The border would certainly be clear enough for James to get by without being noticed. As long as he was ahead of the cops, he was home free. It would be at least another hour until Kylie’s friend Melissa would check the house back in Houston, like every day at 2pm. She’d certainly notice that there was a struggle, with all the entire bookshelf knocked over and a broken table. All James cared about was that he’d become famous. Kidnapping Kylie would be the crime of the year. After all, she was in the movie Freestyled. Everyone knew the movie. Everyone knew Kylie. Now everyone would know James. The fact that Kylie’s mansion was so weak on security seemed like fate for James. The mechanic barely functioning on a meager minimum-wage salary would soon achieve notoriety even greater than that of Kylie. Even though James had done nothing of significance in years, he would at least become known for something. His life would have at least the slightest amount of meaning.

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